March 7, 2008

American Politics Journal—Interview with Gene Gaudette

2008 March 7
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster and Connie Shannon have a conversation with Gene Gaudette, publisher of the American Politics Journal.
Newsworthy: Ron Paul's announcement 6 March 2008, announcing the “winding down” of his campaign for nomination by the Republican party.
Gene, who aligns himself with the Progressive movement, explores his common ground with the Ron Paul Revolution.
Gene mentions the article on's site Ron Paul's Success Owed to Basic Psychology
Gene's 3-point program for what to do next:
  • Think globally; act locally
  • Protect the Internet
  • Plan in a chaotic manner
Local action is important and effective. Go on the offensive to solve the problems facing your community. 
Gene discusses the Wikileaks case, where a website was attacked for its whistle-blowing activities.
Caller Mark from Nevada brought to our attention the amusing YouTube video Neocons are Toast. Thanks, Mark!
Legislators: hold their feet to the fire. Gene suggests sending your legislator a copy of The Federalist Papers, to explain to them the checks and balances that are a part of our government.
Great question for presidential candidates: Will you promise to sign into law, legislation banning presidential signing statements?

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