April 18, 2008

Summer of Love and Hope—Jody Evans and Ann Wright
Freedom Rally 2008—Bette Smith and Linda Hunnicutt

2008 April 18

First hourJody Evans and Ann Wright bring us up to date on the plans for the Summer of Love and Hope.

Jody Evans is the founder of Code Pink and has appeared on our show previously

Mary Ann Wright is a retired United States Army colonel, retired official of the U.S. State Department, and now anti-war activist. She is most noted for being one of three U.S. State Department officials to publicly resign in direct protest of the invasion of Iraq in March, 2003.

Jody and Ann have recently returned from New Orleans's V-Day action. Jody reports that many media people were there, including Amy Goodman. And people went home with the determination to continue their efforts. 

Ann mentions the Service Women's Action Network, SWAN, and describes the cases of Lavina Johnston and Tina Priest. She insists that the military is a predatory organization: one of three women will be sexually assaulted during their term of service. And it is not restricted to women—one in ten men will be sexually assaulted during their term in the military.

Jody talks about her campaign “Don’t Buy Bush’s War”. People don’t want the war to happen, but they are afraid to take the steps to make it stop. 

Melinda introduces Ann and Jody to Monica Getz and Helen Garland and mentions her blog, the Earth Project.

Ann discusses counter-recruiting efforts: everyone passing a recruiting station should put up a flyer stating “One in three women and one in ten men will be sexually assaulted during their term of service”.

Jody reveals that their next trip is to Syria and Jordan: in these countries, one person in five is an Iraqi refugee.

Jody encourages people to go to the Code Pink website and click on the link for “Take Action Now” to find a new activity to do every week. 

Second hourBette Smith and Linda Hunnicutt, Granny Warriors, report on the Freedom Rally held April 15, 2008 in Washinton, D.C., with 1000-1200 people in attendance. 

Bette Smith has been an activist since 1983.

Bette recounts the hoops the Granny Warriors had to jump through to get the materials to the rally site (it involved getting the RV, pictured at left, to be X-rayed).

Reflecting on the previous hour's webcast, Bette says, “We have to start working together, to pull together.” 

Linda recounts that after the address by Ron Paul, the crowd grew even bigger. There was a terrific speach by Ernie Hancock, who himself has appeared on this show. Bob Schultz spoke about the case for redress of grievances. . 

Linda and Bette announce their upcoming event, Revolution Freedom Rally, in Sturgis, South Dakota, July 2–6, at the Buffalo Chip Campground. Linda, Bette, and their cadre will be there.

Buffalo Chip Campground features rental cabins, 2000 RV sites, acres of tentsites, shower facilities. 

Speakers include:

Russell Means—Republic of Lakota 

Carl Twofeathers Whittaker—Head of the Tennessee Militia and candidate for Governor of Tennessee.

Ernest Hancock.

Jack McLamb, (site may have vanished).


Wanda Case

Art Pollack will be present, videotaping. 

Other features: Michelle’s Pitchfork Barbecue.